Macbook Pro C7771 C9560 kernel panic repair 330uf capacitor
C7771 on 2008-2009 Macbook Pros
C9560 on 2010 Macbook Pro.
If you have a 2008-2009 with an 820-2532, 820-2330, 820-2610, or 820-2390 board that is dead, where C7771 is a tantalum cap that you read 0.331v on instead of 1.05v on, this might help you. Most of the time, it is a bad capacitor. It is too small and the single small tantalum cap is not fit for this circuit, it dies, and causes machine to not turn on when it gets cold. You can confirm this cap is bad with a small bit of heat - it will work again until it cools down. This cap WILL NOT FIT without some creative modifying. You may have to run a wire from the ground side to ground and have it up in the air depending on the board. On 17" models it is easier to fit in. There is no guarantee that this will repair your problem and no warranty expressed or implied if you destroy your machine.
If you have a 2010 15" Macbook Pro with an 820-2850 board with random kernel panics, this will often fix your problem. You will have to scrape away the ground plane with tweezers or a fiberglass pen in order to make this fit. This will NOT always fix the problem, but does a good amount of the time. There is no guarantee that this will repair your problem and no warranty expressed or implied if you destroy your machine.