Not sure what’s wrong? Get a free estimate!

We'll tell you what's wrong for free. 

If you send your device to us, we'll give you a repair estimate for free, as well as give you all your options. Not everything is worth repairing, and if that is the case, we'll be upfront with you about it. 

  • All estimates & repairs are done on-site.
  • If you don't wish to repair, all you pay is return shipping.
  •  We don't charge you for an estimate, or for repairs we cannot complete. If we can't fix your device, you don't pay. 

Here's our address to send us your device. All we ask is that you fill out the form on the right. 

We accept mail-ins at our retail store location. Sending us a device does imply that you agree to our terms & conditions.

Rossmann Repair Group Inc
141 West 27th Street
New York, NY, 10001
United States
(347) 552-2258

Important note: for phone data recovery, you MUST include your phone's passcode while describing your problem.

We offer a free estimate.

The only fees you would incur if you do not want to repair the device, would be paying to transport the device to us, and return shipping should you not wish to repair it. 

How much is return shipping to get my device back to me?

We offer free return shipping of your device in the continental U.S. if you are having service done. If you decline to have the device repaired, there is a return shipping fee for devices that is subject to our cost + handling fee. Free shipping is exclusively for devices which we do repair within the continental United States. For larger, heavier devices, an additional fee for shipping may apply.

Do you send me a label or send me a box?

No. Free shipping means free shipping back to you after we fix your laptop, it doesn't mean we pay for you to ship it here.

Why not?

All of that costs money, money that we'd rather spend on tools to repair your device. We've invested over $20,000 in the tools we use to repair your laptop(click for more info), rather than waste time coding an algorithm that does what you can already do yourself. The money and time spent printing labels for every customer could be better spent investing in the intellectual pursuit of repairing Macbook logic boards, which we do on premises. If you ask most of the companes that offer label printing for you to send your laptop to them, you'll find they're likely not doing the work themselves, which is how they find the time for all of this fluff like automated shipping label printing.

Do you offer free international shipping?

NO!! We are not looking to go bankrupt. Shipping ranges from $50 to $70 for international orders. We understand if this seems expensive, and strongly suggest that you pursue receiving service in your country of origin before considering sending a device halfway around the world for us to repair it. We'll fix it, but we just can't deal with the back and forth whining about international shipping charges that so often occur even after we have spelled them out. We have piles of boards just sitting here waiting to go back to customers who do not want to pay customs duties or shipping to their country and it just winds up a big waste of time for all involved.

How long does a repair take?

This really depends on what you're having done. Most screen repairs are done the same day. Same for keyboards, trackpads. Data recovery can be anywhere from one day to a month, motherboard repair can take anywhere from an hour to six weeks depending on the severity of the issue. For your particular situation, feel free to email or call us to enquire about the turnaround time for your particular device.


Some people find their Apple box sentimental to them. If your box is sentimental in value to you for any reason - DO NOT SEND IT TO US! WE FLATTEN THESE AND PUT THEM OUT WITH BAIL & GARBAGE COLLECTION NIGHTLY!